Elise+Joey {Columbus, GA Wedding Photography}

By Wes Roberts

Its Friday!!!!  Yay!!!!  But we're going to talk about Tuesdays.  Around our house Tuesdays are a fav night for cooking because we get festive and live like its Cinco de Mayo!!  That's right, around here Tuesday nights are Mexican nights, filled to the sombrero brim with anything Mexican even a pinata.  Well maybe not a pinata but I'm working it in there ;)

When Elise filled out our Get to Know You form there was an instant connection.....Taco Night!!!  You know if someone dedicates a night to tacos then they are some cool people.  Getting to hang out with Elise and Joey was such a blast and we just truly enjoyed their company and their modeling talents.  Thank guys! we are so looking forward to getting to hang with y'all in the days coming up!  Well, we hope you enjoy these pictures, your Friday and an awesome Labor Day weekend!!!

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